joeybrillo81: Who's going to thousand island duals? Not bringing much unless you ask me to bring something specific
connor.schissler: These are dirty af. For sale/trade. Size 10
SOMDMcCoy: Face down ass up that's the way I cut these scrubs
Wrestle MI Style ™ (2484630733): If your at grappler and want to deal, come to here
mike.coria: New pick up. Sissy aggressors
jake.drexler: 🇺🇸Mercia Monday🇺🇸
ljkahn: Me and Anthony Giampietro greco match lmao
jarretdigiantomasso: Hook me up with some good condition red or yellow P2's sz 8-8.5 and some reps sz 9.5/10732-551-7551
4Moorekids: Size 9, trade me your rare adidas for these size 8-9
TXwrestler2014: Ringers vs Bluish Combats
simpsondavin: Ayeee they fit me now
connormcgonagle: Size 9 want size 8-8.5 good condo ogs any color anyone have?
mastroiannijustin: What are good foods and drinks to get for after weigh ins, and you can eat between matches
mike.coria: Cj's singlet is a little small..not anymore #285
mikevanbrill: New pickups both bnib
freekyPAboyz(hunter&sam): how do you guys float the most weight over the school day? need some tips lol