Matthias.Kahrs: Goldammer (Emberiza citrinella)
Joachim Wuhrer: Personality - I like rain, actually.
hehehekatie: Personality: my little Boss!
hehehekatie: Ruins.
oliverweller1: Hamburg Speicherstadt B&W
hehehekatie: Black & White: Happiness.
Keith Mulcahy: Tsing Yi Bridge
PROMIGEO: Out of the comfort zone
Joachim Wuhrer: Nature - The Wonders of Mother Earth
Joachim Wuhrer: Lion Rock
Keith Mulcahy: Dramatic Hong Kong
Joachim Wuhrer: From the Outside it looks like a place to get a foot massage
grriffy: thinking
hehehekatie: Texture 1: thorny
ThomasG.: Perspective: Dangerous Life of an Ant
hehehekatie: She : Lady inside a candy
ThomasG.: She: Drives me least from time to time
Joachim Wuhrer: She - At the Beauty Salon (Mark II)
hehehekatie: Time flies: Old lego game vs. App.
hehehekatie: Lifestyle: Men on Streets.
hehehekatie: Vintage: Motorcycle from 20th Century (American & European period)
Keith Mulcahy: Causeway Bay
Keith Mulcahy: Hong Kong Docks
leefuettere43: Crazy IKEAsia
grriffy: Crazy Asia - Dags