profmarilena: 1-DSC_6481 February sun, supermarket plant
profmarilena: rather expressionist soul dripping
profmarilena: 1-Collage8 my purple November rose , it could make good advertizing to a perfume !!
profmarilena: 1-20160092-001 Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde - listen to the Who, good humored today !
profmarilena: 1-DSC_3847 Marilena's red , sea poetry
profmarilena: 1-20160142 surreal mountain sunset , dreamimg Colorado
profmarilena: 1-20160143-001 when I get bored.... my imagination helps me
profmarilena: don't ask me why I adore my Nikon D810 !
profmarilena: 1-20160103 expressing turmoil evidence with artistic intents
profmarilena: 1-DSC_7195 transparencies
profmarilena: 1-20160175 the yellow door
profmarilena: 1-DSC_8576-001 oleander seeds, elaborated with Picasa,pls read below
profmarilena: 1-DSC_9632 thinkpink primrose triumph , always in natural afternoon light
profmarilena: 1-DSC_6532 sunset on lake Garda on a sunny very windy winter day
profmarilena: 1-20152303 but there's always a sun even in darkness
profmarilena: 1-2231 incommunicability
profmarilena: 1-2015236 and my soul melted into blue
profmarilena: 1-DSC_8191 Ciro the wild, a square beauty
profmarilena: DSC_1407 a threatening bug
profmarilena: 1-DSC_6163 caged
profmarilena: 1-DSC_5014-001 jumping and skipping colors
profmarilena: 1-DSC_1365 neatly floating in darkness
profmarilena: 2015140 old canvas , or , life experiences
profmarilena: DSC_7747 the boat of the rising sun, Toscolano Maderno, Lago di Garda
profmarilena: 1-20151712-004 oniric pond
profmarilena: DSC_1104 a modern form of communication, fountain in front of Castello Sforzesco , Milano, late afternoon on a very hot 2nd June
profmarilena: 1-20152063-002 the pond , reflecting on life
profmarilena: 1-DSC_8921-002 light through
profmarilena: jugglers and sectarian manipulators, see also my blog below
profmarilena: November pond, water reflections, better enlarged and with black background