profmarilena: DSC_9050 bee back to work after rain
profmarilena: DSC_8293 mellow yellow
profmarilena: hot yellow in my garden on a cool September day
profmarilena: DSC_7964 fresh from my wild garden , pls enlarge
profmarilena: DSC_7043 fresh from my garden 25 Sept. 2015
profmarilena: DSC_3922 found and bought at the supermarket
profmarilena: DSC_2545 yellow greenhouse hibiscus
profmarilena: DSC_3299-003 late afternoon bee still working !!!!!
profmarilena: experimenting in my garden with Nikon D810, AF 11 points, well , it is cropped and pls, enlarge it !
profmarilena: DSC_6391 peonies , dedicated to Fernanda , straight from my camera , to be enlarged !
profmarilena: DSC_9589-001 lunch in my garden, extreme detail
profmarilena: DSC_4536 serious picture , in my garden , straight through my camera , but there are many more.....
profmarilena: DSC_8517 watercolor or digital ?
profmarilena: DSC_8623 just impressions of a daffodil under my gazebo , the picture with more faves will remain
profmarilena: scary, in my garden attracted by intense fragrance, extreme detail
profmarilena: DSC_6911 that Flemish look
profmarilena: DSC_0908 enormous , 18th March , my new plants
profmarilena: 201504411 mimosa in my garden
profmarilena: DSC_4690 backlight daffodils
profmarilena: DSC_4609 backlight daffodils , 28 March, afternoon light
profmarilena: 201504410 My mimosa, fresh from my imagination and my computer
profmarilena: DSC_3511-001 my Pico and my mimosa
profmarilena: DSC_2723 my lovely mimosa , sensual fragrance and delicate beauty , in my garden
profmarilena: DSC_2415-001 my gorgeous blooming garden
profmarilena: DSC_0729 frenzy, in my garden, inebriated by the fragrance
profmarilena: DSC_6472 8th March every day !
profmarilena: DSC_6517-001 such a Flemish feeling...
profmarilena: img067
profmarilena: DSC_2152 plain yellow light