profmarilena: DSC_7040 wild and happy in the sun of my garden
profmarilena: DSC_7028 stray wild tomcat living in my garden, eating my cat food
profmarilena: Collage173-001 towards the sky
profmarilena: 1-DSC_7604 early autumn
profmarilena: 1-DSC_7468 early autumn in my garden
profmarilena: 1-DSC_6819 survivor
profmarilena: 1-DSC_7489 happiness is yellow flowers against a sunny blue sky
profmarilena: DSC_6864 worried and perplexed Angelo
profmarilena: DSC_6792 Lucky girl , as black as night , elaboration
profmarilena: Collage171-001 my Japanese maple
profmarilena: Collage176-001 red expression
profmarilena: 1-DSC_8035 dreamy blue and yellow pansy
profmarilena: 1-2017-10-111 backlight Helleborus, collage
profmarilena: 1-2017-10-114 leaf in a leaf
profmarilena: 1-DSC_8000 two unusual dancers !
profmarilena: 1-DSC_7910 my incredible Peruvian lilies are a symbol of survival
profmarilena: 1-2017-10-115 last ray of light
profmarilena: 1-DSC_8194 natural double color in my garden
profmarilena: 1-DSC_8259 October nandina
profmarilena: 1-DSC_8213-001 golden autumn
profmarilena: 1-DSC_7274 blue and purple impressions
profmarilena: 1-2017-10-053 golden soul graffiti
profmarilena: 1-DSC_7364-001 emotions in my garden
profmarilena: DSC_6488 few but lovely
profmarilena: 2017-08-075 positive color vibrations
profmarilena: 1-2017-10-182 my October Hibiscus , collage
profmarilena: 1-DSC_8447 a rascal on my October roses
profmarilena: 1-DSC_8431 syrphidae on my white Japanese Anemone
profmarilena: 1-DSC_8525 sudden illumination
profmarilena: 1-2017-10-186 my Japanese maple in the morning light , elaboration