profmarilena: DSC_7300 constructive boredom
profmarilena: 1-DSC_2369 purely red
profmarilena: DSC_2683 this geranium survived the winter in my garden
profmarilena: 1-DSC_7643-001 surviving the neverending rain
profmarilena: DSC_2155 in my garden , poppy , experimenting with Nikon D810
profmarilena: DSC_8450 tulip, in my garden , straight from my camera
profmarilena: DSC_3277 poppies in the wind, straight from my camera
profmarilena: DSC_9810 surprise in my garden , a number of lovely ladybugs in love !
profmarilena: saved from the waters and opening to life , pls read below
profmarilena: flaming red ! Lonato del Garda , Fiori nella Rocca 10/12 April 2015
profmarilena: saved from the waters and opening to life, pls read below
profmarilena: 1-DSC_1443 red, blowing in the wind
profmarilena: 1-DSC_9188 marilena's red , focus on the central bud
profmarilena: 1-DSC_4014 I love my poppies
profmarilena: DSC_0777 a very luminous greenhouse , 18th April
profmarilena: 1-DSC_8351 dreaming of good weather
profmarilena: 1-DSC_9729-001Syrphidae on poppy
profmarilena: DSC_1295 Titina
profmarilena: 1-DSC_1855-001 the sun is back !!!
profmarilena: DSC_5344 in my garden , after Xmas
profmarilena: DSC_1282 after the big rain, hungry , in my garden , D 7000, to be enlarged !
profmarilena: DSC_9952 late November nandina
profmarilena: DSC_1771 poppies, straight from my camera
profmarilena: DSC_5418
profmarilena: DSC_0368
profmarilena: img017
profmarilena: img021
profmarilena: DSC_1728
profmarilena: DSCN0788
profmarilena: DSC_9140 going to Prato Valentino , Valtellina