profmarilena: DSC_6460 the faceless girl with naturally curly hair and long neck , could be a model ?? ... life goes on with chromotherapy !
profmarilena: 217 chromotherapy, relative calm, collage
profmarilena: DSC_2187 2015, let's keep worms out of our lives....
profmarilena: DSC_4723 crazy peacock tail
profmarilena: DSC_7611 evidence of red N° 2
profmarilena: DSC_8529-001 soap bubbles
profmarilena: DSC_8451-001 glass and bubbles
profmarilena: DSC_8581 blue and bubbles
profmarilena: DSC_2610 blue waves dripping into yellow
profmarilena: DSC_1440-001 bridge over troubled waters
profmarilena: DSC_2820-001 pop stars
profmarilena: DSC_1592 marble craze in evening light and flash
profmarilena: DSC_1372 color waves
profmarilena: Crazy composition - I adore black cats, they are fascinating ! Have a nice day everybody and give a kiss for me to yr black cats !!!!
profmarilena: DSC_3728 think pink selfies
profmarilena: DSC_2991-001 caught in the Web !!!! my spiders rejoice
profmarilena: DSC_1566 marbles in beautiful glass cup
profmarilena: DSC_1487 marbles in beautiful secondhand glass cup
profmarilena: DSC_0746 second hand Murano glass in outdoor light
profmarilena: DSC_0713-002 Valtellina apples on second hand glass centerpiece
profmarilena: DSC_0861my second hand Murano vase
profmarilena: DSC_1263 my brain, recently
profmarilena: DSC_0016 perfumed drops
profmarilena: DSC_0028 perfumed drops
profmarilena: DSC_0009 perfumed drops on foulard
profmarilena: DSC_9749 perfumed drops on my adored new bag D.
profmarilena: DSC_9664 blue perfumed drops and one thousand selfies
profmarilena: DSC_9774 sliding minimal blue perfumed drops
profmarilena: DSC_8468 bubbles
profmarilena: DSC_8535 bubbles