deena21_: distance observations.
deena21_: distance observations.
deena21_: what remains…
deena21_: 7:59am | 5:38pm
deena21_: 7:59am | 5:38pm
deena21_: morning witness of all things beautiful.
deena21_: morning witness of all things beautiful.
deena21_: morning witness of all things beautiful.
deena21_: morning witness of all things beautiful.
deena21_: morning witness of all things beautiful.
deena21_: morning witness of all things beautiful.
deena21_: recently.
deena21_: recently.
deena21_: recently.
deena21_: recently.
deena21_: recently.
deena21_: gumdrops.
deena21_: 6:33am.
deena21_: the light hits differently in the Atlantic provinces.
deena21_: the light hits differently in the Atlantic provinces.
deena21_: the light hits differently in the Atlantic provinces.
deena21_: the light hits differently in the Atlantic provinces.
deena21_: today | garden variations
deena21_: today | garden variations
deena21_: today | garden variations
deena21_: today | garden variations
deena21_: in the garden.
deena21_: Bella.
deena21_: Bella.
deena21_: 6:41am.