mangogiraffe: Cosmo and I.
mangogiraffe: LOL Airconditioner.
mangogiraffe: Butterflies.
mangogiraffe: Again.
mangogiraffe: The Last Night of OCMD.
mangogiraffe: Linsey and I on the beach.
mangogiraffe: Blue Waaaave.
mangogiraffe: Linsey and I doing Shots.
mangogiraffe: Nightime Beach.
mangogiraffe: Linsey and Yuengling = My Best Friends.
mangogiraffe: Before H2O
mangogiraffe: OCMD 2007 Crew.
mangogiraffe: Another Group Shot.
mangogiraffe: Dildo Dane and I.
mangogiraffe: We could probably kick asses.
mangogiraffe: Beatdown and I.
mangogiraffe: Travy Food and I.
mangogiraffe: No More. :(
mangogiraffe: Best Friends.
mangogiraffe: pre-gaming.
mangogiraffe: Messy Room.
mangogiraffe: I am Too High Maintenance Sometimes.
mangogiraffe: I was VERY Trashed.
mangogiraffe: SUNBURN!
mangogiraffe: The Glasses.
mangogiraffe: Bored.