Boy de Haas: Tolkien 1956
ktmqi: Abraham Rattner, 1893 – 1978
Sharon C Johnson: Cooper's Hawk
jilllian2: A tiny capture
Thomas Shahan 3: Plochionocerus sp staphylinid - Mindo, Ecuador
andycurrey2: Red Paper Clips
rosebudl1959: Bull Elephant - Loxidonta africana
esallen52: On a Cold and Frosty Morning
rigpa8: Moonset - taken May 10, 2017
kmichaelshea: Thryothorus ludovicianus (Carolina Wren)
kmichaelshea: Jamaican Euphonia
R_A_L: Mosaic Plant - Fittonia verschaffeltii pearcei 'Juanita'
koen_jacobs: ⚓️ The Antwerp ⛵️ Port House
koen_jacobs: Sphynx
Hammerchewer: Taking the branch line
Wild Bills Furniture Store: Red Leather Chaise
Hammerchewer: Splish splash dash
Hammerchewer: Red Fox
Hammerchewer: Boring
Phil's Pixels: Arrowhead
digital vincent: Mysteries of the Mojave Desert 2
digital vincent: Mysteries of the Mojave Desert 1
Sandra Standbridge.: Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus).
Chrisnaton: Irchelpark
Hammerchewer: Pursuit
Pixel Fusion: Camellia Trio