LiLiLuitton: Broadway Magic Jem
LiLiLuitton: Jem Collection - Broadway Magic Jem W Club Exclusove
LiLiLuitton: “It is with great pride that I unveil my new Jem and the Holograms designs!”
LiLiLuitton: “Drummin', comin' at cha!”
LiLiLuitton: Two celebrations in one!
LiLiLuitton: Countess Danielle du Voisin
LiLiLuitton: Craig & Aja
LiLiLuitton: Jem Collection - Countess Danielle du Voisin
LiLiLuitton: Jem Collection - Craig Phillips
LiLiLuitton: Larceny and Lace!
LiLiLuitton: "I get weak when I look at you, weak when we touch. I can't speak when I Iook in your eyes. I get weak when you're next to me, weak from this love. I can't speak when I look in your eyes. I...get...weak!"
LiLiLuitton: Jem Collection - Wedding Day Kimber Benton
LiLiLuitton: "Photoshoot's over! Dahling assistant, please go and retrieve my Porsche!"
LiLiLuitton: "Don't you forget about me. Don't, don't, don't, DON'T!"
LiLiLuitton: Kimber and Stormer
LiLiLuitton: Jem Collection - The Bands Break Up Mary "Stormer" Phillips Gift Set
LiLiLuitton: Jem Collection - KJEM/Lin-Z Studio Set
LiLiLuitton: 24k gold romance!
LiLiLuitton: "Here I am! Rock you like a hurricane!"
LiLiLuitton: Zipper
LiLiLuitton: Jem Collection - Zipper
LiLiLuitton: Bad girls: Pizzazz, Graphix and Vixen
LiLiLuitton: Graphix
LiLiLuitton: "Spoiled and snobby? Moi? Like, whatever! And what's this I hear about me being a groupie and a follower?! PLEASE! I'm the HBIC!"
LiLiLuitton: Jem Collection - Gwendolyn "Graphix" Snyder
LiLiLuitton: "I'm your Venus, I'm your fire and your desire."
LiLiLuitton: Jem Collection - The Bands Break Up Kimber Benton Gift Set
LiLiLuitton: "I'm coming for you, Jem!"
LiLiLuitton: Riot and Pizzazz
LiLiLuitton: "Expensive designer boots to walk all over you in. Watch out!"