Modiste Girl: IMG_1776
Modiste Girl: IMG_1775
Modiste Girl: 4 piece outfit sunset
Modiste Girl: 4 piece outfit sunset 1
Modiste Girl: 4 piece outfit patterns
Modiste Girl: 4 piece outfit collage 2
Modiste Girl: 50s vintage green dress
Modiste Girl: 50s vintage green dress
Modiste Girl: 50s vintage green dress
Modiste Girl: 1950s Sportaville skirt, fabric by Marignan
Modiste Girl: 1950s Sportaville skirt, fabric by Marignan
Modiste Girl: 1950s Sportaville skirt, fabric by Marignan
Modiste Girl: 1950s Sportaville skirt, fabric by Marignan
Modiste Girl: IMG_0778
Modiste Girl: IMG_0776
Modiste Girl: Every dress needs a matching umbrella now.
Modiste Girl: It's a spring thing.
Modiste Girl: Kimono Dress & Parasol
Modiste Girl: Working the outfit !
Modiste Girl: Kimono print dress fabric
Modiste Girl: The Kimono fabric Parasol
Modiste Girl: Kimono Dress & Parasol for Roisin