Tim Kiser: Favorite boulder.
Tim Kiser: From 1971, a tower of senior apartments in downtown Cedar Rapids.
Tim Kiser: Tourists like the long views afforded by certain downtown streets in certain small cities in the U.S.: For example!
Tim Kiser: A very showy mullein has beautified a concrete block wall in western Pennsylvania.
Tim Kiser: In Ambridge, Penna., a lodge of the National Croatian Society from 1925 is law offices nowadays.
Tim Kiser: To emphasize its distinctive black paintjob, I have brought you an oblique view of a two-story building from 1923.
Tim Kiser: A two-story house!
Tim Kiser: My spreading vines! My brown area.
Tim Kiser: A phytogeographic report from the Kansas side of the Kansas City metro area: A spread of poison hemlock (green) yields to other kinds of plants (brown).
Tim Kiser: It is from 1936!
apricotX: put on a happy face
Tim Kiser: These HOURS OF GLARE have always been my favorite times at the University of Akron School of Law.
Tim Kiser: A drugs building in New Kensington.
Tim Kiser: Rootballs threaten to evolve into repulsive tentacled creatures that walk toward us.
Tim Kiser: Out here upon the compacted moist brown dirt of a dirt road in south-central Michigan.
Tim Kiser: An enormous hobby shop, with lineups of brackets to hold up its cornice.
Tim Kiser: I blush at the local trees' suggestive gestures.
Tim Kiser: Afternoon cloud activity in a U.S. humid subtropical city (New Orleans) in late June.
Tim Kiser: Lime green telephone at a four-story Buffalo Wildwings.
Tim Kiser: October big mound of red yellow green.
Tim Kiser: Hard to see crown of tree at grid of exes of parking garage.
Tim Kiser: 1967 warehouse ornamentation with 2 trees and Interstate 35E.
Tim Kiser: Out for a weird walk alongside Interstate 69 on the outskirts of Fort Wayne Indiana in late January.
Tim Kiser: The winter of '14-'15's ice sheet on the Red Cedar River in Michigan became grody as it melted.
Tim Kiser: Nice spot for a bullseye petroglyph.
Tim Kiser: Several picnic sites plus a vault toilet and a dumpster.
Tim Kiser: TRAFFFIC SIGNAL access hatch panel!