hendrycallum: Joker colour final college
hendrycallum: Minions
hendrycallum: The joker
hendrycallum: Slight improvement
hendrycallum: Concept work for contextual studies
hendrycallum: Self portrate
hendrycallum: Contextual studies
hendrycallum: Contextual studies
hendrycallum: Contextual studies
hendrycallum: Colour class to be inked
hendrycallum: Coluor class to be inked
hendrycallum: Contextual studies
hendrycallum: Print making class
hendrycallum: Print making class
hendrycallum: Print making class
hendrycallum: Print making class
hendrycallum: Contextual studies
hendrycallum: Print making class
hendrycallum: More colage work
hendrycallum: Collage work copy of Jeff lemiory work
hendrycallum: Copy of Ben tempelsmith art
hendrycallum: Colour match paint project for colage
hendrycallum: Colour match paint project for colage
hendrycallum: Collage anolitical drowing
hendrycallum: My favourite art I made this year :)
hendrycallum: My favourite art I made this year :)
hendrycallum: My favourite art I made this year :)
hendrycallum: My favourite art I made this year :)
hendrycallum: My favourite art I made this year :)