Keith Midson: gargoyle
tmuriel67: Amapola
thbobsde: halli
thbobsde: unbenannt-05011
thbobsde: unbenannt-05026
thbobsde: unbenannt-05007
TayTayF: wilted
The world in f stops: And the leaves came falling down....
Frank Schmidt: IMAG1268_1
pineider: milano bee and shade
pineider: milano bee and shade
spawn5555: A proposito del día de muertos.
Roland M 22: Sunset
Wagner_Photographic: Sycamore Gap - Star Trails
zai Qtr: A Singing Bulbul
Frank Schmidt: Hamburg
Frank Schmidt: Hamburg Night
Frank Schmidt: Hamburg Night
thbobsde: 03.10.2014-6
Neo7Geo: The Hanoi Bike Shop
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: NASA's Swift Mission Observes Mega Flares from a Mini Star
Les Fisher: Norfolk big sky
Lefotodiannae: Fontana cinquecentesca Giovanna