doug0013: Burrowing Standing on 1 foot
patrickkavanagh: Azure Kingfisher (Ceyx azureus)
st_asaph: Passing Chillon eastbound
ricardo00: GHO couple ready for the evening hunt
patrickkavanagh: White-naped Honeyeater (Melithreptus lunatus)
Finn & Beatrice Jakobsen: Snowy Owl (female)
Runaway2010: Northern Saw-whet Owl
Exhorseman: Great Grey
Runaway2010: Snowy Owl
Allora Amici: Northern Saw Whet
shazl: That's lunch sorted
gabicuff pix: Northern Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium californicum)
SharifUddin59: Amethyst-throated Mountain-gem (Lampornis amethystinus) (sp. # 583)
SharifUddin59: Northern Pygmy-Owl (Guatemalan) (Glaucidium gnoma cobanense) (sp. # 585)
D. C. Peters: Crested Caracara portrait
RGL Photography: Great Horned Owl | Bubo virginianus | 2024 - 60
spiderorchid: Karri Spider Orchid - Caladenia brownii
D. C. Peters: Ruby-throated-Hummimgbird 1
D. C. Peters: Red-headed Woodpecker focused on the beak
spiderorchid: Darling Range Duck Orchid - Paracaleana ferricola
D. C. Peters: Small and speedy Red-headed Woodpecker
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): The fireman of ex-SR Drummond M7 0-4-4T no.30023 leans out of his cab as the loco' heads away from Rabbit Bridge with a southbound mixed train on 2nd February 2012
Chiv3: Short-eared owl
spiderorchid: Chestnut Sun Orchid - Thelymitra fuscolutea
spiderorchid: Southern Heath Monitor - Varanus rosenbergi - Mount Lindesay National Park - Western Australia
spiderorchid: Western Australia - Albany Area - Dichromodes personali
spiderorchid: Club-lipped Spider Orchid - Caladenia corynephora
spiderorchid: Bristly Donkey Orchid - Diuris setacea
spiderorchid: Babe-in-a-Cradle Orchid - Epiblema grandiflorum
spiderorchid: Jackson's Sun Orchid - Thelymitra jacksonii