Ann and Chris: Short-Eared Owl - Those eyes will follow you around the room
Arrondissement de Ville-Marie: ThomasBouquin_FDB_2017_73
Only time heals wounds: My bro at Vizcaya - Mon frère photographe à Vizcaya
Only time heals wounds: Le sommet de Gokyo Peak un endroit inouibliable - I did my summit !
Only time heals wounds: Having Diner with my Parents and bro
Only time heals wounds: Ceci est le monde que j'aime * Este es el mundo que amo *Questo è il mondo che amo * これは私が愛する世界である*Das ist die Welt Ich liebe*This is the world I love*这是世界我爱*
Only time heals wounds: Point of view
Only time heals wounds: Me Bro in the Florida pool
Only time heals wounds: Lights moving in the subway
Only time heals wounds: Stairs like music in Montréal
Buxo: Bombadier 415 - Gijón
Buxo: Bombadier 415 - Gijón
Buxo: Bombardier 415
Buxo: IMG_9657.jpg
Blazelle: Rings