Spiro Anassis: Reflections!
Willem van Velzen: Grown Moss..
Ken's Photographic World: "I've got my Eye on You"
esalinax: Sol o Luna
itala2007: Coconuts
nature shooter: Northern Cardinal - Male
tadelloeser : + crossings +
eye_D: Through the Cathedral's Gate
itala2007: WhiteQueen
Daneli: Falling Hearts
marfis75: Grünfrosch - Zoo Köln Aquarium
rohaberl: Love
Dess.: Proboscis
itala2007: My planet
Wondertubs: The Portal
My Experiments with Truth: Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
groenling: paphiopædilum
dwittkower: Paph. lowii 4N (‘Thank Hans’ x ‘Moonshadow’)
Miss Chien: Who is the Big Boss here?
mostlysunny1: Sproinggg!