Waving lights in the dark: Lucille in the Tank
The tamed shrew: cornfield 2
only lines: Korça
The tamed shrew: for dark side of the moon 4
Teolc Eniger: Val d'Orcia
Sergio Bitran M: Red-throated Bee-eater, Abejaruco gorjirrojo. Merops bulocki.
Sergio Bitran M: Blue Whistling thrush. Arrenga común. Myophonus caeruleus.
Ubere: Nara, bien évidemment.
Sergio Bitran M: Spotted Barbtail. Subepalo Moteado. corretroncos barranquero. Premnoplex brunnescens.
Sergio Bitran M: Ring-necked Pheasant. Faisan. Phasianus colchicus.
only lines: Fennel
Stanislav Nikulich: Light and Happiness
Wildlife_2010: Mandarin duck
Waving lights in the dark: Slipfest - My annual pilgrimage to the slippiest tunnel in the world...
eriklarkens: Trees along the black water
annette.frinzl: untold stories 1
class90497: DSC09073all
class90497: DSC09266紅
小川 Ogawasan: Atmoféerique
thuphotos: IMG_7025
koen_jacobs: Last Winter
Stanislav Nikulich: Perfect look!
koen_jacobs: Connections
likk0202: 0N3A2702