Dave Holder: Dalness Lochan
Richard Hunter ARPS: Isle of Skye (thanks for the Explore)
Steve Rengers Photography: Tree of Despair
berta delgado melgosa: Melancholic Streets /Calles melancólicas
Steve Rengers Photography: Irregular Surface
berta delgado melgosa: These Streets of Mine / Estas son mis calles
berta delgado melgosa: (More) Alluring Streets / (Más) calles seductoras
berta delgado melgosa: Alluring Streets / Calles seductoras
LJP40: Ghost House - Explored, thank you
Moustafa Kzaiha: The Sky Lake
ASPphotographic: drop setting
Moustafa Kzaiha: It's raining
Vincent_Ting: Sunset at salt Field 井仔腳鹽田
Steve Rengers Photography: Vantage Breckenridge
Dave Holder: Dawn on the rocks (Explored)
Bkutlak H.D: Sunset behind the Süleymaniye
alez EOS: IMG_0161