vhate420 (finally got red oes!!!): OG TEALS SIZE 9.5 Trade me something good
WrestlingShoeLover •$$SILVER$$•: Anyone interested?? Orange rulons size 11 will go cheap! 7.5/10 cond
dbo18: Someone said Flickr is making a comeback... 🙏
vhate420 (finally got red oes!!!): OG TEALS SIZE 9.5 Trade me something good
alexmoses2: Been awhile
traytonanderson: Anybody still on here. Wish we could go back to prime Flickr days.
PATROVICH~TRAINED: Thinking about selling off some of the collection shoot me a text if interested 631-303-6985
Va wrestles4me (757-510-1877): Been a minute Flickr anyone still on here?
UofAWrestling (3306710882): Both size 11 and more than likely nfst
Tweaks101: Need to get updated pics but only work once since re done by tag. Fit 9.5-10 up for sale or cash plus other shoes.
iWrestle823: I want offers for these ! Cash please.
Ryan_Vigil: Sz 41 new
huntershaut: Flawed Rulons. Blues 10.5. Red 10. Open to trades/cash
huntershaut: Flawed Rulons. Blues 10.5. Red 10. Open to trades/cash
ColCronin132 (484-568-3918): Doesn’t get much better!
Zzavatsky184: GEAR FOR SALE
MI.34{O.G}: Something pretty for dead Flickr
patrick 1974: Nike Blazer Mid 77
shaunvandertorre: 11.5 agg 1s
hunterwilliams6: Idk if I need to say anything
hunterwilliams6: Do I need to say anything lol
shaunvandertorre: First ever blue Og combats
SPK2016: Red Rulons size 9.5
P40warhawks141♦Diamond: Take these, all size 9