ursulamller900: Araneus quadratus- at work
ursulamller900: Inside orchard meadow
ursulamller900: Papilio machaon, caterpillar
ursulamller900: Here comes a bumble-bee
ursulamller900: Brauner Waldvogel, Aphantpous hyperantus
ursulamller900: C-Falter, Polygonia c-album
ursulamller900: Brauner Waldvogel, Aphantopus hyperantos
ursulamller900: Schachbrett, Melanargia galathea
ursulamller900: Plebejus argus
ursulamller900: Waldbrettspiel, Pararge aegeria
ursulamller900: Zitronenfalter, Gonepteryx rhamni
ursulamller900: Death came from below
ursulamller900: Little spider has awoken
ursulamller900: Yes, it's May!
ursulamller900: The Wasp Spider
ursulamller900: Happy Sunday!
ursulamller900: Preparing for the Day - Happy Sunday!
ursulamller900: A Bee in a Bearskin ;-)
ursulamller900: The Survivor
ursulamller900: Butterfly's Paradise
ursulamller900: Dreamy Little World
ursulamller900: I'll wait for you...
ursulamller900: Just hanging around... Happy Weekend!
ursulamller900: Dragonwings
ursulamller900: Playing Waterball
ursulamller900: Lunchtime- A Little Fly on my Hawthorn
ursulamller900: It's a Bug's World...