Vendigo: Xenia
Vaidas M: Back in Vilnius
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Model Photographer - Film Photography
Saurí: The group I
Michael Raso - Film Photography Podcast: Forgotten Memories - Hawaii early 1970s
Michael Raso - Film Photography Podcast: The Impossible Collection - Image by Boris Zuliani film photography.
Sean Batten: Angela Hudson #1 waiting for 88
Saga: Hnausar
benjiphig: New Toy Gabby
russianbeatch: fjhghjk
neamoscou: f i n g e r p i c k i n g
Taylor Gilmore: Line em' up
ⓁⒶⓂⓁⓊⓍ: Korean Housed.
Dan_wood: Christmas day, Wales 2010
squarephotos: Milosz 5
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Mamiya RZ67 Wedding
Manas Saran: Timeless Grace
-MRGT: Happy film photography day ! :)
Andy Kennelly: fade out
therosegypsy: Rachel Ariel Photography