Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and fifty four
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and fifty three
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and fifty two
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and fifty one
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and fifty
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and forty nine
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and forty eight
Miss Baker: Rose in Snow
Miss Baker: Rose in Snow
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and forty six
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and forty five
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and forty four
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and forty three
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and forty two
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and forty
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and thirty nine
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and thirty eight
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and thirty seven
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and thirty five
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and thirty four
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and thirty two
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and thirty one
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and thirty
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and twenty nine
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and twenty eight
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and twenty seven
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and twenty six
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and twenty five
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and twenty four
Miss Baker: photo number two hundred and twenty two