barry summers 33: digiscoping for the first time today 3
barry summers 33: digiscoping for the first time today 2
barry summers 33: digiscoping for the first time today 1
barry summers 33: tree sparrow with dinner
barry summers 33: marsh harrier
barry summers 33: reed bunting (male)
barry summers 33: yellow wagtail
barry summers 33: elmley 14.03.14 3 ducks
barry summers 33: elmley 14.03.14 skylark
barry summers 33: elmley 14.03.14 skylark 2
barry summers 33: elmley 14.03.14 male and female kestral
barry summers 33: elmley 14.03.14 kestral flight
barry summers 33: elmley 14.03.14 kesral
barry summers 33: sheppy 694
barry summers 33: sheppy 104
barry summers 33: sheppy 486