Visual Stripes: Shaggy Scalycap - Pholiota squarrosa - 3
Urutu_From_SW_PA: Life Stages_2011.09.09
Igor Kramar: Hypholoma sublateritium
Stitch: Stranger 57/100
ozkristen: fungi
MacGuffin56: Bestrewn with droplets
jatakaphoto: Jellyfish
Doniu1: Ciboria amentacea
singaporebugtracker: Bug Eggs with Parasitoid Wasps, Singapore
Yolanta Z: A long time ago....
J. Tewell: Casas Consistoriales (Ayuntamiento) and the Manila Cathedral in the background to the left after WWII, 1945
Michelle Pilling Photography: Supermoon [Explore]
skoop102: Tall Trees
orzalana69: Ofelia 1960s
Waschbear - Frances Green: New Kitchen Tiles
Waschbear - Frances Green: Water Goddess - Detail
Waschbear - Frances Green: Mountain Goddess
Gerri D: Red n Butter
thewiz2011: 10 12.12.27FullMoon.CCC.Ozzie
Vie Lipowski: Berry Cute Lady
Raffaella Coreggioli ( fioregiallo): Fioregiallo ti ha detto di stare fermo!!!
Pedro P. Galindo: Castillo San silvestre
Panos Kanderes: Warm serenity