D~P~B: Waiting for fall to arrive.
D~P~B: I will name him Emmet.
D~P~B: Playful little otter
D~P~B: I see you
D~P~B: Bad day to be a fish
D~P~B: Catching the light
D~P~B: Its fawn season in Florida
D~P~B: Taking in the view
D~P~B: Pastel lightning
D~P~B: Another hot and electric August night.
D~P~B: Just another hot August night in Florida
D~P~B: Fly the friendly skies
D~P~B: This time of year we have our own version of the Northern Lights.
D~P~B: Etch A Sketch lightning
D~P~B: Electric Sunset
D~P~B: What a day for a daydream with Oliver
D~P~B: Just breathe
D~P~B: Mindfulness
D~P~B: Look ma, no hands!
D~P~B: Beautiful Vermont
D~P~B: A dog named Bob
D~P~B: Gentle giant
D~P~B: Kembe's fluffy elf ears :)
D~P~B: Be sure to get my good side.
D~P~B: Cooling off
D~P~B: Explore your world
D~P~B: Lunchtime
D~P~B: We have dinosaurs in our waters.
D~P~B: Walter
D~P~B: At the end of the day there is always this