marlin harms: Flustrellidra corniculata, Spiny Leather Bryozoan
Thomas Shahan 3: chrysopid?
Spencer Dybdahl Riffle: Northern pacific rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus)
Bill Bouton: Hints of spring on the Carrizo Plain National Monument
jkirkhart35: Wild Turkey seen on the Coon Creek Trail
jkirkhart35: Trillium flowers on the Coon Creek Trail. Trillium is the flower no one should pick !! Please do not even touch the leaves!
wanderflechten: Cibotium glaucum I think
marlin harms: Calochortus albus, Fairy Lanterns
marlin harms: Long-billed Curlew Shoot-out, Final Round
aliceinwl1: Timema knulli - Pair on coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
aliceinwl1: Euborellia sp.
Treebeard: Acmon Blue or Lupine Blue butterfly on California Buckwheat
LostPineJim: Coleman Boundary 10
Thomas Shahan 3: Anterior Eyes of a Female Phanias sp. Jumping Spider - Oregon
aliceinwl1: Humboldt lily (Lilium humboldtii)
marlin harms: Rainbow Arc Pano & Morro Rock