zoercsx: "Potlatch"
Stas Dobry: new day.
M E D O: Demônio
108 is NIHIL: Belluno, wall 2
HYURO: Watercolor on paper/ 50x70 cm./ 2015.
Capras Crew: Zeus40-Gosh7
Z O L T A: hand and feet
108 is NIHIL: 108 and CT in Warsaw
A L L E G: - Tele + Supertele
108 is NIHIL: 108 in GAETA - Memorie Urbane 2015 pic by blindeyefactory
GRIS1 / Da Mental Vaporz: GRIS1 "Duality 1" 130x97cm acrylic on canvas
>>ARp<<: ci scusiamo per il disastro...
Martina Merlini: Somewhere in Lucca, Toscana March 2015
.laguna.: Written in the spirit
David de la Mano: Errantes
AEC INTERESNI KAZKI: "Memory of The Land" Perth. Western Australia. Public2015 Festival
108 is NIHIL: 108 wallpainting in Catanzaro for Altrove
Z O L T A: La bonne mère
TANT_BFC: OpenSurgery
Z O L T A: L'autistico
.laguna.: Kenor-Laguna
Capras Crew: Teso hulk
Capras Crew: Zeus - Tesone