margycrane: Macro Mondays: Behind Glass
margycrane: Macro Mondays: Nuts
margycrane: waiting (explored 8/05/2021)
margycrane: walking
margycrane: nothing left
margycrane: strange days
margycrane: Music for the masses
margycrane: going into the future
margycrane: Arrow
margycrane: paputki
margycrane: cat photographer
margycrane: Zosia and leaves
margycrane: 1st of November
margycrane: Sleeping
margycrane: it cannot happen
margycrane: Creative office
margycrane: Good morning
margycrane: where are you, golden autumn?
margycrane: Building and sky
margycrane: walking girl
margycrane: Cinderella
margycrane: Macro Mondays: Bottles
margycrane: find it, take it
margycrane: welcome!
margycrane: Hugging the world
margycrane: oh my winter winter tea
margycrane: Be the source
margycrane: Strange strange world...
margycrane: Mesh and falling tower...
margycrane: but not to Warsaw...