cheesepics: 2016-06-01_02-59-55
cheesepics: Blocking
cheesepics: 2016-05-25_11-20-59
cheesepics: New project!!!
cheesepics: Bunnies hid beneath... anyone know the name?
cheesepics: More fun sidewalk renovations
cheesepics: City jackhammered off the facade of my apt, and maybe my illusions about the foundation
cheesepics: I was mocked and praised... reusable standing desk
cheesepics: 20150710_123134
cheesepics: protein!
cheesepics: original drawings
cheesepics: best surprise
cheesepics: tiny hats
cheesepics: learning to crochet
cheesepics: learning to crochet
cheesepics: learning to crochet
cheesepics: learning to crochet
cheesepics: learning to crochet
cheesepics: learning to crochet
cheesepics: learning to crochet
cheesepics: learning to crochet
cheesepics: almond paste cookies
cheesepics: stretch
cheesepics: cookie and mini pie making
cheesepics: ready for pie
cheesepics: piemas and cookies
cheesepics: piemas
cheesepics: afternoons are for warm lap naps
cheesepics: crochet