Foto_Michel: Barbed Wire
Foto_Michel: They are just interested in their mobiles
@hipydeus: Votive chapel of King Ludwig II
Enzo D.: Palazzo della Sapienza Courtyard
Kenny Teo (zoompict): Emirates 777
sign750: waiting
Enzo D.: Morning mood
Enzo D.: Roman view
九涼: do u like rainy days?
Kunfy Nomyek: Just Above
Francois H. Joseph Jr.: If you see something, skate something
a_brewley: Linked
@hipydeus: St. Ringwraith
@hipydeus: True
crazybobbles: Chernobyl: What's going on?
Tiomax80: More than a beam of light...
Sharkshock: Puebla fountain
camelot98.: quizzical glance..
Cheryl Schiltz Photography: Ready, Aim, Fire!
Enzo D.: Happy Xmas
Enzo D.: Roma - 2014
sign750: human bow