Chizuka2010: The castle on the hill
Chizuka2010: Evora, Portugal
NATURAL CALABRIA: Pollino National Park
L*Ali: Flipped
L*Ali: Hot pink fire
L*Ali: Pastels
L*Ali: Standing tall
L*Ali: Bee
L*Ali: The light in the night
DaveHook: Lit up Barn
Chizuka2010: Birds on a wire
Chizuka2010: An enchanting creek ❖ Un ruisseau enchanteur
Chizuka2010: Making a splash ❖ Allez, hop! On y va!
Chizuka2010: Dragonfly ❖ Libellule
Chizuka2010: Beaver ❖ Castor
L*Ali: Cake foot smash
Chizuka2010: Light Games ❖ Jeux de lumière
NATURAL CALABRIA: foto: Stefano Contin
ferdj: White & sunny
L*Ali: Afternoon in the park
eyawlk60: イロハモミジ Japanese maple 
NIGHT X NIGHT Photography: Risen from the Dirt
eyawlk60: イロハモミジ
eyawlk60: 手水舎の龍神 Ryujin