Mon Solo: Cosplay Fusion at Power Plant Mall
hvhe1: Magister Mundi sum!
Gerhard Theron: Chacma Baboon (Papio ursinus)
Edgar Thissen: This will be my final warning!
Tambako the Jaguar: Gelada baboon
freemysoul: mandrill - mandril
M.ALKHAMIS: Shadow Baboon
Martino Zegwaard ~ NL: Gas Mask try out II
Martino Zegwaard ~ NL: Gas mask try out I
Happy.Phantom: An Angel's Face
Rachael Ashe: Specimen - fish
eroica.lurks: fish skeleton
Newtang: Fish Skeleton
zenosaurus: Cabinet of Curiosities
Thomas Hawk: Osker
Thomas Hawk: Sea Life
kjdrill: Izu and Oshana singing together
William Dalton: Wave Buzzard
nantel: Waves
James Neeley: The Wave 2
Keppyslinger: Monster under the bed
jtkauderer: Under the Bed Redux
[ CK ]: Rat Contestant 1
Pockafwye: Asking for goodies
Matt West: Dancing by the light of the setting sun
Pockafwye: Peekaboo
[ CK ]: Rat Contestant 5 // THE WINNER!!
Ian@NZFlickr: The lone walker