michaelb100: Carrickfergus harbour-240121 (7)mono
michaelb100: Carrickfergus harbour-240121 (5)mono
michaelb100: Carrick seafront-250121 (6)mono
michaelb100: Carrick seafront-060121 (11)
michaelb100: Carrick seafront-060121 (2)
michaelb100: Carrick seafront-051220 (4)-HDR
michaelb100: Carrick Fishermans Pier 141020 (8)HDR
michaelb100: Carrich Fishermans Pier in wind-311020 (2)HDR
michaelb100: RAF Leaming - Tornado flyover gear down
michaelb100: RAF Leaming - Hawk and BBMF Lanc flyover
michaelb100: RAF Leaming - BBMF Lancaster on apron
michaelb100: RAF Leeming -BBMF Lancaster flyover
michaelb100: RAF Leeming -BBMF Lancaster flyover (2)
michaelb100: RAF Leeming - 3 Hawks take-off
michaelb100: RAF Leeming - 2 Hawks take-off.
michaelb100: RAF Leaming - Tornado flyover
michaelb100: Helicopters - Portrush Air Show-2011
michaelb100: Harriers at RAF Aldergrove
michaelb100: Liner Queen Victoria leaves Belfast-Jul 2009 mono
michaelb100: Stena Caledonia, Belfast Lough, July 2010
michaelb100: NIR-Carrick Station-type 80-Dec 2006 - mono
michaelb100: Thalys
michaelb100: SNCF Paris to Lille-Aug08-Eurostar
michaelb100: Rialto Bridge, Venice, by night, 2012
michaelb100: Venice, 2012
michaelb100: Sunset over Belfast
michaelb100: Ringcreevy -on Strangford Lough
michaelb100: Wells Next the Sea, Norfolk - mono
michaelb100: Whitepark Bay
michaelb100: Whitepark Bay - mono