JH_1982: Nakhal Fort, Oman
VitorJK: IG - Arte Xávega - Praia da Vieira
C.M. Hovinga: Train Yard - Chicago
naotake_speaks: 繁華街 - A downtown / iPhone8 + Snapseed, 20181208 . . 知らない街をあてもなくブラブラするのが、ひそかな楽しみ。 . . #royalsnappingartists #infamous_family #rsa_main #infinity_photo_cult #ray_vip #jp_gallery #jp_gallery_bnw #trb_bnw #wp_bnw #bnw_life #bnwlife_member #bnw_life_shots #bnw
Hasan Yuzeir 📷: Towards the sun...
martin_zemlak: Grouse mountain sunset
JuanJ: Horses of Kentucky
duncan!: underpass 6b2
naotake_speaks: 洗濯日和 - An ideal day for washing / D810 + Snapseed, Tokyo 20180421 . . うらうらと。ひらひらと。 . . #royalsnappingartists #infamous_family #rsa_main #infinity_photo_cult #ray_vip #jp_gallery #jp_gallery_bnw #trb_bnw #wp_bnw #best_expression_bnw #bnw_life #bnwlife_memb
jah_1315: So excited to hear that Flickr was bought out, and I'd love to see it make a surge to compete with Instagram. Instagram has been destroying the overall experience, and I hope Flickr takes advantage of this to sway a bunch of users over to this platform!
christian mu: twister
VitorJK: Passadiços do Paiva - n3224
naotake_speaks: 昼休み - At lunchtime / iPhone8 + Snapseed, Tokyo 20180422 . . いってらっしゃい。 . . #royalsnappingartists #infamous_family #rsa_main #infinity_photo_cult #ray_vip #jp_gallery #jp_gallery_bnw #trb_bnw #wp_bnw #best_expression_bnw #bnw_life #bnwlife_member #bnw_life_
Jasrmcf: Sony a7 50mm 2.8 macro
leeds401@sbcglobal.net: METAL HOOP SUPPORTS
David Hamments: _DSC1424-Pano.jpg
naotake_speaks: 自転車 - Bicycles / iPhone8 + Snapseed, Tokyo 20180325 . . いきなりステーキとサーティワンで、誕生日クーポンを使う。 無料で肉とアイスを味わい、ちょっとシアワセ(笑)。 . .
leeds401@sbcglobal.net: LOBBY FLOWERS
VitorJK: PR2 MCV - Caminho do Xisto de Gondramaz - n2006
Jasrmcf: Panasonic gx80 30mm olympus macro
Teolc Eniger: kolugljufur waterfall
jooka5000: hoth landscape
Conrado Muñoz (ACmm): Vía Láctea revelada...para comparar III
Conrado Muñoz (ACmm): Vía Láctea revelada...para comparar II
@CarShowShooter: Biltmore House Long Exposure (Asheville, North Carolina)
VitorJK: Defesa - Esporão - Alentejo - Portugal Red Wine