Ebater: Laguna Miscanti
Swiss.Piton: Mista Dobalina!
hernanpba: L'Oceanogràfic
Petr Kleiner: Karabach 2012PX_25VI2012_2352
RS_1978: Lower Joffre Lake
RS_1978: Moraine Lake
Toni Marín Gaig: Sortida fotogràfica Afovisp a Sant Joan de les Abadesses (31)
Mick LEVY: Follow the Czech line
Lou.Mercuri: Princess Pier Port Melbourne - 4X6
xr.photo: BILD5024
xr.photo: Regensburg Andy Warhol
BS_Photographie: Reading of the Genesis
Lion Haloho: Onthel
film.fiasco: Chinon 50mm 1.9f
film.fiasco: todos deben descender
film.fiasco: Larga Exposición en Film de 35mm
Edwinjones: Spiral Down Tate Britain
Blende1.8: winding down
Frans.Sellies: Castle de Haar, Haarzuilens, in the Netherlands
Dr. Doc: Canyonlands National Park, Islands in the Sky, White Rim Overlook, Utah
Dr. Doc: Great Sand Dunes National Park, Alamosa, Colorado
Mr. Rucci: DSC03537
Dr. Doc: Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado
Twoshoes3: Spot the ladybird!
Twoshoes3: Like jewels after the rain.
f.arkan: Polar Ural
hobbyphoto18: Abstract water
seelenpfluecker: Eiffelturm III