Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: 「四月は君の嘘」
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: Ziva Team Approaching Target...
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: 今世無悔為過客 餘生勿念友人I
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: Target LockON!
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: Sing a song for you
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: Good Morning Sunshine *Meow*
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: Listen, this is my song for you
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: 不老夢 - Unaging Dream
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: 桜舞い散る小径
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: 夏之聲 - Sound of Summer -
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: 桜色舞うころ
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: 「音乐が自由なんだよ、さあ、旅に出よう。」- Music is free with no boundaries, come, the jounery begins
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: Listen, her music of life
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: 「四月は君の嘘」
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: Blade Dance ~刀舞.琉光~
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: Next Stop : ROCK ON!
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: 南風 ~ South Wind ~
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: Sometimes we have to stop for the scenery for a while in the journey of life
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: 但使龍城飛將在, 不教胡馬渡陰山。
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: Time corridors - some colors fade away, some don't..
Freyja Nishi - INORI owner: 「明日の今頃には,あなたはどこにいるんだろう,誰を想ってるんだろう?」(Same time tomorrow, where you will be and whom will you be thinking of?)