jjm3: Sending Out an SOS
jjm3: Don't sit on that
jjm3: the two Doctors and me at DragonCon 2013
jjm3: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary week on my desk - Monday: 11 CB Doctors
jjm3: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary week on my desk - Tuesday: Sonic Screwdriver cozy
jjm3: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary week on my desk - Wednesday: more Character Building!
jjm3: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary week on my desk - Thursday: the Doctor who started it all!
jjm3: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary week on my desk - Friday: the big finale!
jjm3: accessories for the Saturday cinema showing
jjm3: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary week on my desk - the Monday after: DVD bonus feature!
jjm3: Snow Day Doctors
jjm3: My age expressed in action figures
jjm3: an iteration of MRAP's "Night at the Old Phoenix" at Magnum Opus Con
jjm3: IMG_2969
jjm3: IMG_3239
jjm3: Moon Boots and Dinner Suits