cearthur85: At the supermarket.
cearthur85: Vauxhall Bridge, London
cearthur85: Goods for sale out on the street, South East London
cearthur85: Life drawing
cearthur85: Looking and sleeping
cearthur85: Sleeping on the Transpennine Express train from York to Newcastle
cearthur85: Listening
cearthur85: Man on train
cearthur85: Looking
cearthur85: Listening
cearthur85: On the train
cearthur85: On the phone
cearthur85: DDoing the make-up on the train
cearthur85: Maria's Market Cafe, Borough Market, London
cearthur85: Train traveller
cearthur85: Looking
cearthur85: Coffee and water on the train
cearthur85: Life drawing
cearthur85: Life drawing.
cearthur85: Life drawing
cearthur85: Outside a Peckham cafe.
cearthur85: Life drawing: Reclining nude reading
cearthur85: Life model Jan 2016
cearthur85: Paper towel
cearthur85: Pencil case
cearthur85: Stuff on table
cearthur85: Scissors
cearthur85: Life drawing
cearthur85: Life drawing
cearthur85: Life drawing