Alessandro Cuomo: Strange "creature" in the sky [EXPLORED]
Alessandro Cuomo: Everglades - Gator Park, Florida
Alessandro Cuomo: Rainy day
Alessandro Cuomo: The lightning and the church [EXPLORED]
Alessandro Cuomo: Two faces of the same coin - Due facce della stessa medaglia. [EXPLORED]
Alessandro Cuomo: Quiet on the lake - La calma sul lago
Alessandro Cuomo: Sabaudia, motion timelapse
Alessandro Cuomo: Sabaudia Timelapse, Traffic Everywhere
Alessandro Cuomo: It's all about light
Alessandro Cuomo: A young deer hidden in the grass
Alessandro Cuomo: 50 shades of sunset - 50 sfumature di tramonto. (EXPLORED)
Alessandro Cuomo: United we were born, together we fall - Unite nasciamo, insieme cadiamo
Alessandro Cuomo: Castel Sant'Angelo di sera - Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome by night.
Alessandro Cuomo: The lonely fisherman - Il pescatore solitario (EXPLORED)
Alessandro Cuomo: Rosa, portrait at Monte Ciocci, Rome.
Alessandro Cuomo: Living for moments like this one...(EXPLORED)
Alessandro Cuomo: La spontaneità è una posa difficilissima da mantenere - To be natural is such a very difficult pose to keep up
Alessandro Cuomo: Summer afternoon: the two most beautiful words in my language.
Alessandro Cuomo: The Wrath of Zeus - L'ira di Zeus. (EXPLORED)
Alessandro Cuomo: The wings of freedom - Le ali della libertà
Alessandro Cuomo: Travelling is like falling in love: the world is made new...
Alessandro Cuomo: Who's to say where the wind will take you? - Chi può dire dove ti porterà il vento?
Alessandro Cuomo: This is all I can't leave behind, home. Mount Circeo and Lake Paola at sunset.
Alessandro Cuomo: Faraway, so close! - Così lontani, così vicini.
Alessandro Cuomo: Ride the lightnings - A caccia di fulmini (explored)
Alessandro Cuomo: Feeling like I was on Olympus, looking for Zeus...
Alessandro Cuomo: My spiritual place, my heaven on Earth - Luogo dello spirito, il mio paradiso in Terra. (Explored)
Alessandro Cuomo: The Key of Her Heart - La chiave del suo cuore.
Alessandro Cuomo: Under the Bridge, framing St. Peter's Dome. (EXPLORED)
Alessandro Cuomo: The Heaven - Laghetto di Villa Borghese, Roma. (EXPLORED)