Angel@ T@ylor: The moon took my heart,but not my soul.
Angel@ T@ylor: Two company three,s a crowd.
Angel@ T@ylor: Blue flowers
Angel@ T@ylor: Dragonfly in autumn Colours
Angel@ T@ylor: Blue Tit
blavandmaster: Closer
blavandmaster: Twilight Zone
blavandmaster: Runaway Train..
blavandmaster: Fairy Tail Land
Mrs.WQ: When The Moon Hits Your Eye...
Mrs.WQ: Happy Mother's Day
Mrs.WQ: It's Clearly Unclear
Mrs.WQ: A Meeting of The Minds
Mrs.WQ: Two For One
Mrs.WQ: Fifty Shades of Pink
Martasusanaperez: Patagonia resplandeciente
funkenwerk.NET: lithprint_baumalgarve12001
funkenwerk.NET: DSC_4329-1
funkenwerk.NET: Sunbath - DSC_4349-1
funkenwerk.NET: DSC_0706-1
funkenwerk.NET: DSC_4081-1
funkenwerk.NET: DSC_3993-1
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funkenwerk.NET: Beim Essen fotografiert man nicht... - 1 - Leaf Cutter Bee on Pussy Willow Leaf Cutter Bee on Pussy Willow Leaf Cutter Bee on Pussy Willow Leaf Cutter Bee on Pussy Willow Wasp on Pussy Willow