D-P Photography: [ ... last light ]
Rgdernio: Faro de Arando Grande II (Explore 12/07/2020)
Immature Animals: Benson In the Driveway
Alex Szymanek: Portrait
Ashley Monteiro: Blade of grass in morning light
konaelf: Dragonfire
Immature Animals: Benson the Border Collie Puppy
Holger Losekann: Geroldsee oder auch Wagenbrüchsee-0354
Kolev Nikola: Wolf look outdoor
Ashley Monteiro: Sunrise and its reflection in water
konaelf: Floating dreams
kewguys: Bookends
Alberto Marques: Alcongosta, Portugal
konaelf: Just some daffs
Terje Håheim (thaheim): Shiba Inu face
janet.capling: I need a hug!
snoqueen 21: Rosie and Nya
whitbywoof: 150307 Crufts-0160
TinyTina83: IMG_1765
TinyTina83: IMG_1697
Oliver Kay Photography: Milky Way rising over Endor ;-)
Immature Animals: Herman at the Laundry Room Door
Tommi--: Bob the builder