Eric A Lundquist: With the release of the OM3, I need to brush up on my OM1
wjm photography: IMG_7872
Stan Tekiela's Nature Smart Wildlife Images: River Otter family nest to river
Stan Tekiela's Nature Smart Wildlife Images: River Otter running and sliding
wjm photography: IMG_7336
hwicker: Kingfish - Smile on Saturday
wjm photography: Am Brombachsee_IMG_8676
wjm photography: B&W_Rothsee_1A1A1771
wjm photography: 1A1A1487
hwicker: We've been in this pickle before...
doc030395: Canadian Migration . . . ?
Sharon Mollerus: San Gregorio State Beach 11/28/2024
wjm photography: Im Bayerischenald_IMG_8258
Picsnapper1212: Screech Owl
wjm photography: Ausflugsziele rund um den Rothsee_1A1A2149
wjm photography: Die Kongresshalle in Nürnberg am Dutzendteich_1A1A9491
wjm photography: IMG_7926
hwicker: Patty Melt on a stolen Schnitzer's Marble Rye
wjm photography: IMG_0540
hwicker: Wagyu Katsu Sando
Picsnapper1212: Eastern Chipmunk
wjm photography: IMG_8762
doc030395: It's Winding Down . . .