Aleksandar Dragićević: Bled, Slovenia
Aleksandar Dragićević: Bled, Slovenia
Aleksandar Dragićević: Some things must simply perish for others to emerge anew...
Aleksandar Dragićević: Peace/Mir/Мир
Aleksandar Dragićević: Amidst the tall, green grass, a butterfly stands. Its wings are poised, awaiting the moment to ascend, and feel the spring's tender embrace.
Aleksandar Dragićević: Embraced by nature's balm, where the whispers of spring sing a calming psalm, the autumn squill, with enchantment so grand, beckons the wanderer to behold its charm.
Aleksandar Dragićević: While concealing her fragility in winter's icy grip, she embodies an untouchable and defiant queen on the pristine, tranquil, snowy strip.
Aleksandar Dragićević: Mornings like this herald the onset of the moody, grey season and suggest it's time to bid farewell to summer...
Aleksandar Dragićević: July evening in Trebinje
Aleksandar Dragićević: Nature bathed in morning dew awakens to a harmonious dance of light and life
Aleksandar Dragićević: "Everything flows and nothing abides; everything gives way and nothing stays fixed"
Aleksandar Dragićević: The actual spring seems to be around the corner!
Aleksandar Dragićević: When Crescent Moon, Venus, and Jupiter Encounter
Aleksandar Dragićević: A chilly and foggy autumn morning on the Sava river.
Aleksandar Dragićević: The last throes of summer
Aleksandar Dragićević: The last throes of summer
Aleksandar Dragićević: The last throes of summer
Aleksandar Dragićević: The Spring of the River Vrelo
Aleksandar Dragićević: The Spring of the River Vrelo
Aleksandar Dragićević: The Spring of the Bosna River
Aleksandar Dragićević: The Spring of the Bosna River
Aleksandar Dragićević: Spring, finally!
Aleksandar Dragićević: Lisine - Veliki Buk
Aleksandar Dragićević: Freiburg im Breisgau
Aleksandar Dragićević: Lightning in Bosnia
Aleksandar Dragićević: Everything has a beginning and an end