Dawn Loehr Photography: Black crowned night heron
Dawn Loehr Photography: Black crowned night heron
Dawn Loehr Photography: Yellow crowned night heron
Dawn Loehr Photography: Scissor-tailed flycatcher
Dawn Loehr Photography: Black crowned night heron
Dawn Loehr Photography: Mississippi kites
Dawn Loehr Photography: Red shouldered hawks
Dawn Loehr Photography: Mississippi kites
Dawn Loehr Photography: Pacific Sea Nettle
Dawn Loehr Photography: Great horned owlet
Dawn Loehr Photography: Long eared owl
Dawn Loehr Photography: Bald eagle with fish
Dawn Loehr Photography: Common ground dove
Dawn Loehr Photography: Short eared owl hunting
Dawn Loehr Photography: Black-capped chickadee
Dawn Loehr Photography: Short eared owl
Dawn Loehr Photography: Checking out the breakfast menu
Dawn Loehr Photography: Pied billed grebe
Dawn Loehr Photography: Chicago from Navy Pier
Dawn Loehr Photography: Indigo bunting on sunflower
Dawn Loehr Photography: Green heron beiing stealth
Dawn Loehr Photography: Barred owl fledglings
Dawn Loehr Photography: Dad Osprey bringing home the groceries