ZY Yao: 尖被百合(Lilium lophophorum)
ZY Yao: 巴塘龙蜥(Diploderma batangense)
ZY Yao: 巴塘龙蜥(Diploderma batangense)
ZY Yao: 纵纹腹小鸮(Athene noctua)
ZY Yao: 中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)
ZY Yao: 密点麻蜥(Eremias multiocellata)
ZY Yao: 石鸡(Alectoris chukar)
ZY Yao: Sand dune
ZY Yao: 灰头鸫(Turdus rubrocanus)
ZY Yao: 毛冠鹿(Elaphodus cephalophus)
ZY Yao: At sunset
ZY Yao: At sunset
ZY Yao: Cloud like mushroom
ZY Yao: 骨顶鸡 (Eurasian coot, Fulica atra)
ZY Yao: 察隅棘蛙 (Chayu Spiny Frog, Nanorana chayuensis)
ZY Yao: 白腰文鸟 ( White-rumped munia, Lonchura striata)
ZY Yao: 白腰文鸟 ( White-rumped munia, Lonchura striata)
ZY Yao: 流浪猫(Feral cat)
ZY Yao: 狩猎(Hunting)
ZY Yao: 树麻雀(Eurasian tree sparrow, Passer montanus)
ZY Yao: 红头长尾山雀(Black-throated bushtit, Aegithalos concinnus)
ZY Yao: 王锦蛇(Taiwan Stink Snake, Elaphe carinata)
ZY Yao: 贡山白环蛇(Gongshan Wolf Snake,Lycodon gongshan)
ZY Yao: Tadpoles fo the Asitaic toad
ZY Yao: Beetle
ZY Yao: 缅甸颈槽蛇(Leonard's Keelback, Rhabdophis leonardi)
ZY Yao: Walking on water
ZY Yao: Locust
ZY Yao: Cayu bent-toed Gecko (Cyrtodactylus cayuensis)
ZY Yao: Some kind of azalea?