@Duet: Maestro.” seashells and/or snail shells" Looking close... on Friday!"
@Duet: The Egret and the Reflection of Its Spirit
@Duet: The Egret’s Breakfast
@Duet: Season of the Scorch
@Duet: My Friend the Wind
@Duet: A Journey of the Soul: The Story of a Coffee Set "Cup & Saucer" "Looking close... on Friday!" .
@Duet: Panda Dance
@Duet: The Curtains of the Sky: Light Reveals the Mysteries of the Sea #25 # Explored /14/July/2024
@Duet: Painting with Sunbeams Smile on Saturday! :-) - OPEN DAY THEME
@Duet: Capturing the illusion of holding the sun, a fleeting yet profound experience, reminds me that sometimes, it's the perception of our actions that truly matters.
@Duet: "Resilience in the Scorching Heat". Scorched earth, yet it blooms, Pink thistle defies the sun— Strength in dry whispers.
@Duet: Endless Tales of the Blue Sea
@Duet: Exploring the Unknown: Modern Art as a Window to Imagination
@Duet: Green Walnut Preserve "tasty texture" "smile on saturday"
@Duet: Street and Documentary Photography!
@Duet: Bright Dreams of the Nocturnal City
@Duet: the power of thoughts.
@Duet: Silent Strength: Pearls and Swords
@Duet: Mystic Eyes of the Rocky Desert #44 #Explored /27/June/2024
@Duet: Oasis of Progress
@Duet: Under the Scorching Sun : "Only the strong embrace the desert"
@Duet: The Dance of Fragile Bubbles: Reflections on Meaning and Mystery in Dylan's 'Blowin' in the Wind
@Duet: Moonlit City by the Sea
@Duet: Harmony in Proportion
@Duet: Yellow blooms whisper, Silent tales of hearts betrayed, Sunlight casts shadows
@Duet: In love, there are no barriers of rank
@Duet: Portrait from Jerusalem
@Duet: Bridge of Strings and the Eyes of the Magus
@Duet: Engineering Marvel: The Longest Railway Viaduct"
@Duet: Azure #14 #Explored /11/June/2024