camellie: "all i want 4 xmas is..." competition
camellie: Spirit of music
Tom Bagley: Alien expression-wheel project
Kavan The Kid: "Mr. Vertebrate"
[Mantodea]: 6"x4.5" doodle
Take The Walk: Enlightened Larry
camellie: Micro
Adriartemx: Quetzalcoatl
Adriartemx: Mexican Skull
Adriartemx: Caballero Nahual
defterblogu: 423423
graham mcgivern: self portrait/drawing
graham mcgivern: self portrait from "woman waiting"
janshin: 台灣化學纖維公司
janshin: 黃昏的故鄉
janshin: 回鄉
janshin: 火燒厝
janshin: Color