manhattanshakes1: #Repost @livermoreshakes with @repostapp ・・・ #gratitude #livermore #livermoreschools #artseducation
manhattanshakes1: #Repost @kulsumts with @repostapp ・・・ I believe in love and peace which is why I will always stand up to bigotry and hate. #fashionillustration #art #berniesanders #illustrationoftheday
manhattanshakes1: #Repost @kulsumts with @repostapp ・・・ #vote #imwithher #nastywoman #nastywomen #nevertrump #muslimah #hijabi #voteforhillary #berniesanders #graffiti #graffitiart
manhattanshakes1: Our AD @saraheismann voted, did you! #ivoted #election2016
manhattanshakes1: Catch AD @saraheismann this Sunday and Monday! #Repost @theaterinasylum with @repostapp ・・・ What's it like in TrumpTown? #tiadebates
manhattanshakes1: Our AD @saraheismann is doing some seriously political stuff! @theaterinasylum #trump #clinton #politicaltheatre #election2016
manhattanshakes1: Women Who Change The World @MsSaffaa
manhattanshakes1: Did you see the First Lady's speech? If not you should really watch this. It was amazingly powerful.
manhattanshakes1: #Repost @shakescon with @repostapp ・・・ #WCW - The ladies hold down the Manhattan Shakespeare Project booth at the 2016 #ShakesCon. #Shakespeare #NYC #NewYorkCIty #NewYorkCityLife #NYCtheatre #inspiration #theatrelife #actorlife #directorlife #bard #playin
manhattanshakes1: Another fabulous meeting of the MSP Ladies! Look for incredible stuff to be coming from them soon!
manhattanshakes1: MSP fans are everywhere! This was sent to us from Atlanta, GA!
manhattanshakes1: Passing the torch! Exciting things are happening! Love these ladies!
manhattanshakes1: The fabulous MSP ladies!!!!!
manhattanshakes1: Congratulations @swimone13! Simone Manuel Olympic Record AND first African-American Female to win individual swim gold! We love you! We are so proud of you! You are an inspiration!
manhattanshakes1: This is the amazingly offensive way @europeanwax is advertising to their loyal female customers. #whydowestandit @tessholliday #everydaysexism #effyourbeautystandards#useyourand #askhermore #tothegirls#feminist #freedom #CelebrateWomen#ilooklikeanengineer
manhattanshakes1: This is the amazingly offensive way @europeanwax is advertising to their loyal female customers. #everydaysexism #effyourbeautystandards #useyourand #askhermore #tothegirls #feminist #freedom #CelebrateWomen #ilooklikeanengineer #thisgirlcan
manhattanshakes1: #Repost @sop_art_studio with @repostapp ・・・ Relief magnet I created based upon original logo which I designed for @manhatshakeproj #resin #sculpture #independentTheater #promotion #fundraiser #skull #Hamlet #Shakespeare #logodesign #typography #fonts #le
manhattanshakes1: Thank you! #Repost @jswense with @repostapp ・・・ Tonight my friends and I went to see an all female production of Othello in Morningside Park called Al’ukhraa: A Study in Othello performed by The Manhattan Shakespeare Project. Throughout the performance
manhattanshakes1: #Alukhraa: A Study in #Othello had an amazing run! Thanks to everyone who came out to support us!
manhattanshakes1: #Repost @sop_art_studio with @repostapp ・・・ "Moichendising!" Custom totebags i desinged for.@manhatshakeproj . Come out to #morningsidepark. Today at 6pm to see their final performance of #Othello #Shakespeare #independentTheater #NYCevents #apparel #fa
manhattanshakes1: #Repost @sop_art_studio with @repostapp ・・・ See the final two performances of this provocative play, tonight at 6pm@ #morningsidepark . Crucial dialogue #feminist #Muslim #freedom #Shakespeare #racism #othello #romance #drama #NYCevents #independentTheat
manhattanshakes1: #Repost @mjm207 with @repostapp ・・・
manhattanshakes1: #Repost @mjm207 with @repostapp ・・・ Othello in the park
manhattanshakes1: Thank you! Great audience :-) #Repost @mjm207 with @repostapp ・・・ Great Performance of Othello
manhattanshakes1: #Repost @juliaslevine with @repostapp ・・・ Three more chances to catch @manhatshakeproj production! Don't miss these ladies in @nycmorningside this weekend! #shakespeareinthepark #shakespearegram
manhattanshakes1: Filth! Thou liest! #الأخرى #Alukhraa: A Study in #Othello #MSPOthello #MSP #Shakespeare #allfemale #free #nyc #astoria #astoriapark #centralpark #summitrock #morningsidepark #manhattan #queens #freeshakespeareinthepark #muslim #arabic
manhattanshakes1: Incredible audience, show, and talk back tonight! #الأخرى #Alukhraa: A Study in #Othello #MSPOthello #MSP #Shakespeare #allfemale #free #nyc #astoria #astoriapark #centralpark #summitrock #morningsidepark #manhattan #queens #freeshak
manhattanshakes1: #Repost @sop_art_studio with @repostapp ・・・ Come out to #SummitRock #CentralPark to see #Othello + Fantastic opening musical performance. Tonight at 6pm!! #FREE #Shakespeare #NYCevents #NYCfree @manhatshakeproj
manhattanshakes1: #Repost @juliaslevine with @repostapp ・・・ #TheOneWithDesdemonasDad. #Performance Edition. Even in the elements #rain. #latergram #shakespearegram #shakespeareinthepark #Othello